My Bio

Photo of me.

I am an engineer that always likes to know why things work the way they do, I also do believe I can figure out why something works the way it does. This led me to study personal finance as a hobby ever since I started earning (working for) money as I wanted to know how it worked and how to grow it.

Therefore, I have tried various forms of investing over the years, with mixed results. Then I came back to the basics, this was probably when I was ready to hear the message on how to succeed with personal finance by keeping it simple. This means that I have made mistakes like everyone does and learnt from them. Mistakes with money can be a powerful teacher.

I have a wonderful son and a lovely wife who keep me inspired and encourage me to try new things including setting up this site.

Ever since I have become a father my forward-looking plan has gone from 5 years from now, to 20+ years from now. I want what every father/husband wants, the best future for my family not just now but also after I am gone
